Monday, February 3, 2014

Beach town= Severe disdain for tourists

Well suffice to say that when you live in or near a beach town tourists will flock to it with their loud obnoxious behavior and sheer disrespect for locals. I have been here my entire life and over the years the deadly mixture of working retail and dealing with tourists then dealing with them YET AGAIN once I leave work to try to live life has ground down my patience and tolerance to absolutely nothing. I hate them and they are absolutely pissing off everyone around them, myself obviously included. They ask for local discounts, want coupons for everything, complain that our tax is too high...first off you came (unfortunately for the rest of us) from New York and you're complaining about prices HERE? Oh my god just please go take a long walk off a really short bridge and head first into shallow water. In order to be at the beach all day I as I do almost everyday I have to go about 20 minutes south to a local spot so that I won't be surrounded by these beasts of glutton. It makes my skin crawl, and seethe inside to see them in droves like a pack of wild animals. I can't really enjoy my town because they ruin it every single year just by being here. By the way if you think these people make my pay check by visiting....THEY DON' me. They refuse to wait in line, for food, for ANYTHING! Scourage of the earth these people are coming from miles around to dirty our absolutely beautiful beaches and complain. I hate you all and if wouldn't hurt me at all if they never showed their sun burnt faces again. Please stop wearing garbage from the blvd shops you know the 'Nice Story Bro' shirts etc, they're really douchy and scream tourists...just don't. Stop asking me if we carry WATER SHOES why are you wearing those stupid things anyway??? "Oh I want a shoe that I can wear on the beach but one that won't get sand in them" WHAT??? NEWSFLASH: YOU WILL GET SAND IN YOUR SHOES YOU VILLAGE IDIOT. IT IS THE BEACH AND SAND IS PART OF IT! God, could you please be a little less skanky girls on the beach. Yeah, let's all wear matching flops, bikini, beach bag, and a nice shirt bro hat and flirt with the lifeguards. Ah...just go die just really and truly go...die.